Austin, TX, March 2020. The 2022 hail season came in more as a whimper than roar. Local weather forecasters overshot their predictions but as we all know, if you have experienced an Austin hail storm, it’s better safe than sorry.
Roundrock, Granger, & Taylor, TX weren’t as lucky though. Spring ushered in Tornados like an unwanted guest – flipping vehicles and damaging most roofs in its path.
Despite not seeing the actual storm that was predicted, it is a great indication that hail season is officially alive and well in Austin, TX. It’s that time where we want you to pay close attention to the forecast and make sure you have a way to receive warnings.
Speaking of….
How can you prepare for tornado & hail season?
You know it’s time to prepare when you see the scrolling watches across the top and bottom of your television screen. It’s “go time” though when that watch changes to a warning or you hear words like level 4 and 5. Level 4 and 5 weather means severe weather that is capable of producing hail, damaging winds, and/or tornados.
Things to have on hand in case of emergency weather.
- Make sure your phone is fully charged. Having a fully charged portable battery is good, too.
- Flashlights with extra batteries.
- Old school weather radio. You can pick one up on Amazon.
- Blankets. If there is a tornado warning, covering your body with a blanket is not only safe but comforting. Especially if you have young children.
- Pets. I know personally, in my family, the first thing the children’s think of is the safety of their pets. As you should never encourage children to run and gather pets during a warning or when you hear sirens, it’s good to know where they are when the watches begin.
- Walkie-talkies. We always have an emergency pair charged and ready to go.
- Gallon of water.
I’m sure there are other things that could be added to this list but this is the one we came up with as a family – which might I add, is also a good preparation for Austin tornado and hail season.
Ready to get those unsightly dents repaired?
Live in Austin, TX? Call 512-999-7909 or schedule online for your FREE auto hail damage assessment!