When hail season hits in Austin, the damage can go beyond dents & dings.
This article touches on some dangers that can arise after the storm.
Since we started our business in 2016, the auto hail repair industry has changed—some for the better, some for the worse.
Not only do hail-damaged car owners have to deal with the headaches that come with getting their cars repaired, but they are also faced with parking lot stalkers, circus tent set-ups, out-of-town hail chasers, and auto hail repair company scammers and impersonators.

Austin Auto Hail Repair Scam Red Flags.
Parking Lot Stalkers
The persuasive stranger claiming to “fix” dents in your car. You can find them lurking in big box parking lots, car washes, and grocery stores. They promise a quick fix at a low cost. Even if you refuse, they harass you, follow you home, and/or “fix” your car while you’re not looking and then demand money.
Out-of-Town Hail Chasers
Auto hail repair is an insurance-driven industry, which makes it very appealing for paintless dent repair technicians who don’t drum in enough business with door dings & parking lot mishaps. Some of these technicians might be good at the art of dent repair, but when the storm is over, they take their lifetime warranty guarantee with them.
Circus Tent Set-Ups
They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but one thing is for sure: they are hail chasers. Like the parking lot stalker, these pop-up dent repair guys love big box stores, supermarkets, and abandoned roadside parking lots. They make their living on the go, following hail storms like the ‘deadheads’ followed The Grateful Dead back in the 70s, but instead of smelling like patchouli – they smell of empty promises and subpar repairs.
Scammers & Impersonators
This particular ‘red flag’ was inspired by an actual impersonator experience we had with a couple of paintless dent repair company competitors of ours. They say impersonation is one of the biggest forms of flattery, but we certainly didn’t take it that way. We received a phone call from a gentleman who suspected he was being scammed by a sales guy claiming to work for us. We were concerned and surprised but just assumed it was a one-time-thing. Then, it happened again.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Identifying and Handling the Red Flags of Auto Hail Repair in Austin
What are some common ‘tells’ that the person or company wanting to repair my car hail damage is a questionable character?
They approach you in a parking lot, make big promises, and don’t seem that interested in your vehicle. They offer you a cheap repair on the spot. They don’t have a website, and you can’t find them on Google or anywhere else when researching who they are.
How can I tell if this dent repair company is local or from out of town?
Number one, Google them. If you can’t find them as a legitimate Austin auto hail repair company, decline. If you do find them on Google or social media, check for reviews. A quick Google search can save you time and potentially thousands of dollars.
Is this dent-guy for real?
First of all, if this is a thought that pops into your head, they are likely not. If you choose to go against your better judgment, because it happens to all of us, ask for a business card. Ask them questions like Do you work for a local Austin shop? How many years have you been repairing hail damage? Do you have any pictures of your work? Do you have a website? What proof do you have that you are a legitimate paintless dent repair technician?
How does the parking lot dent repair scam work?
BBB says, “A person approaches you in the parking lot of a store stating they noticed dents on your car. It just so happens that they work at a body shop and can fix them for you! They promise to charge much less than what a shop would and they can make the repairs on the spot while you are shopping. The “repair person” may try to appeal to your altruistic side by claiming that you would be supporting their small business”.
Real-life encounter stories of dent repair scammers.
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